Diminished Triads and Augmented Triads are used less frequently than Major Triads and Minor Triads.
Augmented Triads are especially odd because they are not built from Major Scales. All Major Triads, Minor Triads and Diminished Triads come from Major Scales.
Unlike Major Triads and Minor Triads, Diminished Triads and Augmented Triads have the same Intervals between their Root to 3rds and 3rds to 5ths.
In Diminished Triads; From the Root to the 3rd is a Minor 3rd (Three half steps) From the 3rd to the 5th is also a Minor 3rd Interval (Three half steps) A Diminished Triad can also be visualized as a Minor Triad with a flatted 5th.
In Augmented Triads; From the Root to the 3rd is a Major 3rd (Four half steps) From the 3rd to the 5th is also a Major 3rd Interval (Four half steps)
We will discuss the functions of these chords more when we get to our section on chord progressions. But, for now, know that both of these chords can add tension to music. These chords want to resolve somewhere and are, generally, not used as a landing point. These are mostly transition chords. An Augmented Triad can also be visualized as a Major Triad with a Raised 5th.
C Eb Gb C# E G D F Ab D# F# A E G Bb F Ab Cb F# A C G Bb Db G# B D A C Eb Bb Db Fb B D F
For now, we are not discussing the enharmonic spellings that need Double Sharps or Double Flats. Those are too confusing at this point.
One easily practical application of Diminished triads that’s easily recognizable comes from silent films. When the dastardly bad guy ties our female heroine to the train tracks (Why is it always the woman this happens to not the men?). You typically hear rolled diminished chords moving up chromatically.
C E G# Db F A D F# A# Eb G B E G# B# F A C# Gb Bb D G B D# Ab C E A C# E# Bb D F# Cb Eb G
For now, we are not discussing the enharmonic spellings that need Double Sharps or Double Flats. Those are too confusing at this point.
Bb Augmented is unique because we have a Flat and a Sharp in the Same chord.
One easily practical application of Augmented triads that’s easily recognizable comes from films, especially when dealing with Dreams or Space. Often when a film goes to a dream sequence you hear a sequence of Augmented Triads. This also can occur in Space, especially in 1950s films. Because George Lucas loved the serial films of the 1950s when we come out of the text crawl at the start of the first Star Wars film, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope the first visual transitions by using Augmented triads and a whole tone scale melody. Classic vintage space film ideas placed into the start of modern space films.